Call us: 9558897222


Desktop and Laptop rentals

All types of Desktops, Laptops,Notebooks, Mid- Size, large Size with latest configuration starts from Core 2 Duo to Core i 7 with 8-32 GB Ram. CDP Computers can match your any rental requirement. Delivery laptops anywhere you need in India with flexible service on Daily , Weekly and monthly rental basis.

Servers - Workstation Rental

Tower, 2U Rack-mounts, Unix, SUN, Web Servers, Enterprise Servers, Storage Solution, Router & Switches available on rental basis across India. Very Economical & unique way of saving your valuable Data and testing your important projects.

Projector Rentals

CDP provide DLP / LCD projector rental and portable projector screen rental to complement our range of laptops and Micro PC hire systems.A portable projector is an ideal audio visual aid where your laptop or computer is being used for presentations, exhibitions, training etc where more than one person needs to see it. IndianRenters have full range of Projecto , Full HD Projector on Rental.

Online UPS Rentals

We have a wide range of UPS that we Rent from 1 KVA to 250 KVA. Our UPS are ready for Lease or Rent. We carry the latest range of UPS available in the market. We now stock UPS for Home or Small Office, Medium to Large Business or Large Server Rooms/ Data Centre from 1Phase & 3 Phase on rent, hire . Our rental terms are very flexible & best rental deals are available at on weekly, monthly and yearly basis.